Po drugie sam fakt iż Microsoft na swej witrynie oficjalnie wspomniał na temat Windows Mobile 7 wydaje się być istotnym wydarzeniem. Ciekawe tylko, dlaczego takie ogłoszenie pojawiło się dopiero teraz. Czyżby Microsoft zabierał się do pracy od podstaw? Widząc że Palm zdołał przygotować coś naprawdę innowacyjnego, Microsoft nie może przecież pokazać czegoś co będzie tylko nieco ładniejszą wersją WM 6.5. Windows Mobile 7 musi być rewolucją a nie ewolucją, inaczej MS straci szansę na konkurowanie z produktami Apple, Palma czy innych liczących się w świecie telefonii komórkowej firm.
"...The Windows Mobile 7 team is searching for a Principal Development Manager
Do you have a passion for the mobile space? Enjoy big challenges, working with and learning from a high-performance team? Do you want to be part of driving the next big business for the company?
Windows Mobile 7 will change the way you view your phone. We aren’t just building a me-too iPhone or RIM competitor; we’re changing the way customers use and experience their device. In the OS Platform team we are responsible for the OS, file systems, security, hardware platforms and drivers, networking & connectivity, location framework and updateability. In other words, we build the foundation upon which the rest of Windows Mobile is built.
As Development Manager for the Core System, you will have both ICs and Leads reporting to you, with a team of approximately 20 developers. As part of a matrix style organization, you will work closely in a triad with your PM and test counterparts. Specific areas of ownership include the kernel, file systems, security, loader, and device management.
Your job will entail:
* Building and leading a high performance team
* Owning and driving the core os (kernel, file systems, security, and device management) features and roadmap for Windows Mobile
* Defining an engineering system that can scale to large organizations and span multiple releases.
* Driving quality and performance into the core platform.
* Mentoring your organization and building a strong bench and successor..."