Developer of the Year:
- VidaOne, Inc. (for Windows Mobile Professional)
- Developer One, Inc. (for Windows Mobile Standard)
- Terratial Technologies (for BlackBerry)
- ZingMagic (for Symbian)
- Iambic, Inc. (for Palm)
Rookie Developer of the Year:
- Magmic Games (for Windows Mobile Professional)
- Capcom Interactive, Inc. (for Windows Mobile Standard)
- EA Mobile (for BlackBerry)
Handango Champion Award:
* Windows Mobile Professional:
- Best Evolution: TouchBrower, Makayama Software
- Best Entertainment: Guitar Hero 3 Mobile, Magmic Games
- Best Industry: Spb Mobile Shell 2.1.1, Spb Software House
- Best Life Management: Agenda Fusion 8, Developer One, Inc.
* Windows Mobile Standard:
- Best Evolution: BPA Bowling, Concrete Software
- Best Entertainment: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Capcom
Interactive, Inc.
- Best Industry: Fizz Traveller 3.0 Standard, Fizz Software Ltd.
- Best Life Management: eWallet Professional Edition, Illium Software
* Blackberry:
- Best Evolution: Caller ID, I D You, LLC
- Best Entertainment: The Sims 2, EA Mobile
- Best Industry: Garmin Mobile, Garmin International
- Best Life Management: SplashMoney, SlashData
* Symbian:
- Best Evolution: Mobiscope, SHAPE Services
- Best Entertainment: Sky Force UIQ 3.0, Infinite Dreams
- Best Industry: WorldMate Professional Subscription for UIQ,
WorldMate, Inc.
- Best Life Management: Voice on the Go
* Palm OS:
- Best Evolution/ Invention: Resco Explorer 2008,
- Best Entertainment: Frogger, Konami
- Best Industry: RDM+ Remote Desktop, Shape Services
- Best Life Management: Ringo Pro, Electric Pocket