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HTC będzie wspierać WM 6.5

23 luty 2010 Autor :   Agata Gierlotka
Microsoft planuje oferować dwie platformy mobilne jednocześnie – okienka 6.5 przeznaczone mają być dla bardziej wymagających użytkowników i biznesu, gdzie Windows Phone 7 Series skierowany będzie raczej dla zwykłych konsumentów. Jak długo planują oni ciągnąć dwie linie WinMo jednocześnie? Jak podaje PocketNow, powołując się na list od HTC (załączony poniżej) poprzednie okienka będą jeszcze przynajmniej do końca roku wykorzystywane w ich nowych PDA. Oznacza to, że nie wszystkie nowe urządzenia oferować będą WM 7S.

„... I do not know where these network assistants got this information as it is not correct. The official answer is that "We are working closely with Microsoft on Windows Phone 7 Series and look forward to releasing new handsets which will use the new OS." reading between the lines, it would seem therefore that the answer would be no.

There are many reasons for this, not least Steve Ballmers announcement that "no current handsets will be upgraded", Also 7 Series is NOT an upgrade to 6.5. Microsoft is releasing it as a totally new and separate OS from the exisiting Windows Mobile versions. 6.5 will continue to be developed, even after 7 will be available, to offer two different OS versions for different needs. 6.5 will remain more business orientated, and for devices with OS skins on them (Like the HD2 which uses our Sense skin), and 7 Series for new, more media and social based handsets, which will not be skinned.

Therefore, I can only recommend that if you specifically want 7, you will need to wait for it to be available on new handsets If the HD2 meets your needs, then i would consider buying it anyway, as the 6.5.x software will continue to be developed even after 7 is released...”
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